Sunday 6 November 2011

Day One in San Francisco

First Day:

Almost never left Australia. Checked in at Qantas International Terminal, service rep informed me that I needed to apply for a Visa Waiver (ESTA) before I would be allowed to check in.

Panicked, browser at the website repeated crashed while applying.
When I returned to terminal, she told me 45 minute limit was over and that I couldn't get on board.
Was rushed through fortunately by security.... 2nd last person to get on the plane, last person was someone from adelaide whose flight had been delayed.

Panic attack over.

Relaxed, talked to the passenger sitting next to me, John Fowler, who was a real estate investor for ten years, who had moved his portfolio to the US, and also a reptile breeder. Had one of the most informative discussions on real estate investment strategy and the problems of the Australian market.
Basically, despite financing difficulties (banks there still very relunctant to loan), good, undervalued houses can be bought for 10-15k, fixed up for a few k extra and rented out for $800 per week - as vs in Australia bare minimum now is 350k. Rate of return is everything. Also capital gains not like they used to be in 2000 when he first go involved - bought a house worth $30k on a deposit of $3k, house doubled in value in 2 years + cash flow. Cash flow = everything - because cashflow determines limit on which bank will lend to you. But, after 1 million in debt the debt insurance wont cover so becomes more dificult in Australia. In US, ceiling becomes much higher. All about controlling as much property that provides positive cashflow, so you arent dependent on capital gains (so even if value drops you can still hold onto the property and wait it out). Also, banks in America shortsell, sell repossessed houses below market value just to quickly partially recoup debt.

Also interesting on Snakes. Breeding season peaks just before XMas - where there is a glut. One snake with a clutch (depending on species) from 14 to 40 eggs, when hatched can be sold for $150-300 dollars.

Nice guy, but funny how he didn't see his career as something that contributed to the crisis in the first place.

Also travelled with his partner - suggested cruises in Orlando are the best value for money in the US - pay less than $100 per night doing everything.

Airplane food has improved.

Also intersting, security reg requires that no congregating in planes in more than 2-3, so everyone waits their turn for toilet in the aisle by themselves.

Arrived in LAX, went through customs no probs.

Tried to book earlier flight (would have had to wait 5 hours for connecting flight to SF, which would have meant that I would have arrived at 4pm. ) As united air had 4 employees servicing 12 self-service kiosks, incredible pain in the bum trying to get attention when the kiosk fails. This is what the future of Qantas looks like if Alan Joyce gets his way.

SFO is like the introduction to half life 2 ! Check out the photos.

Bad idea leaving airport straight away. HAD NO MONEY, NO MAP, NO TELEPHONE/INTERNET... basically muddled my way through BART/MUNI and got lost for two hours. Explored Market street quitewell though. 

Sta Travel fuck up #2. So #1 was misinforming me about visa requirements to US which almost cost me the flight. #2 was fucking up my hotel accomodation. First, the booking was never confirmed on Mithilal's end, so they cancelled my reservation. (despite my booking as confirmed in my STA receipt/itinerary). They offered to put me up on another room in their Sister Hotel the AMsterdam. But then I dont have my voucher from STA, so they couldn't book me in. Wasted another hour before the manager let me stay.

Then tried to have a shower - shower didn't work. Turns out you had a really obscure way of turning it on.

Room dingy as all fuck, wasn't meant to be a single room (two bunks!). Paying way too much for this!
Can't believe its recommended by Lonely Planet.

So by time this was all over it was almost 6 pm and the Norcal conference was over.


Decided to cut losses, went out to dinner at a mexican place - very working class. Only black and latino clientale, one white man exception.
Homelessness - 9/10 homeless seem to be black. Real racial element to class in the US. For eg, older TSA officers were working class whites, but all the newer/younger ones were latino.


Bought gift for Azlan.


Last minute decision to go to a gig tonight - typed in hip hop san fran and The Jazz Mafia Symphony came up.$25 dollars.

BEST FUCKING GIG OF MY LIFE. ITs like Jean Grae/Talib Kweli + Cat Empire + Jazz/Violin/flute Quartets + Acid and Steroids.Hip hop led fusion supergroup.

Also turns out that the venue, Yoshi's Jazz CLub, was the former San Fran HQ of the Black Panthers!

I was wondering why it had an American/Japanese activisim gallery.

ALso had a wonder around the Fillmole area. The Heart and SOul of SF apparently.

Had a square dedicated to black and japanese civil rights activists!

Had a browse through safeway. Theyt had a whole aisle dedicated to microbrew beers! Kaami Heaven!
Looking at supermarkets tell you alot about state of economy in US - everything was cheaper, larger, = cost of living in US lower = cost of wages in US lower.

Japan Town - really, really big. Need to find gift for Aki here.

Lost my data cable from my phone, cant upload pictures yet. Will do later tomorrow.

Complete mess = just needed to jot this down. Lack of sleep for the last 26 hours will do that to you. :D

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